vary in the types of bacteria that exist on their skin, and some bacteria emit better smells than others, which determine whether the mosquitoes want a taste!

In addition to differing bacteria, carbon dioxide given off in our breath, the heat of our bodies, and some other surprising factors make those who are bitten frequently, quite irresistible. Unfortunately, there is more at stake than itchy bumps, and the following video that goes into greater detail about risks and protection, is a must-see.
As mosquitoes carry many potentially life-threatening diseases, making good choices concerning repellents, is extremely important. Mosquito bites aren't just an annoyance; given the health risks, watching this footage will ensure a safer and more comfortable summer ahead.
You may have heard the explanation that mosquito ‘victims’ have sweeter blood, but this is not the case. Rather, it is the fact that people 
As mosquitoes carry many potentially life-threatening diseases, making good choices concerning repellents, is extremely important. Mosquito bites aren't just an annoyance; given the health risks, watching this footage will ensure a safer and more comfortable summer ahead.
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