when he is at work.
Who carries a heavier load, men or women? Most people assume that it's the stronger of the 2 sexes: the men. However, a survey of 100 men and women on the streets of Tokyo revealed that women carried loads that weighed on average 7.2kg, twice as heavy as the loads carried by men walking around the city on a regular weekday. 18% of the women interviewed carried loads over 15kg.
Are you aware of how your partner spends their day? We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. A simple “thank you” every now and then can encourage your loved ones.
This short film captures the day of a young mother living in Tokyo with her husband and baby son. Her husband secretly watches her from inside a van, but he is speechless when he finds out what really goes on Are you aware of how your partner spends their day? We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. A simple “thank you” every now and then can encourage your loved ones.
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